Traditional Easter egg hunts with candy and treats, while fun, leave little to the imagination. If the Easter Bunny (aka, you) wants to get creative this year, consider a scavenger hunt! If you’re tired of your Easter Egg Hunt looking like Willy Wonka, fill some of the eggs with coins (money), coupons to trade in for toys. Make sure you fill at least one of the eggs with the “Golden Ticket” Once found, they can turn it in for a special prize. Who knows, you might just start a new family tradition this Easter Sunday.

Make a Map

Instead of hiding the eggs in a small section of your yard or home, place them around the neighborhood or even a park — avoiding any private property that you don’t have permission to use — and draw a map to find the treasures. Give everyone their own map, marked with the locations of the eggs and set a clock for one hour.  Like some scavenger hunts, you can also allow a cell phone GPS app to help them locate the eggs. Count how many eggs each has found when the hunt wraps up.  Whichever team hunts out the most eggs wins a special surprise like gift certificate, iTunes card and even an Easter Basket filled with a variety of treats.

Hoppin’ Hunt

Easter Egg Scrabble

This of course will only work if your kids are able to spell. Here you can put letters in the eggs to make words. After the kids collect their eggs, they use the letters to spell out as many words as possible. A special prize goes to the child who creates the most words from her letters.

Easter Egg Balance Obstacle

An Easter-themed obstacle course gets everyone moving. Each player needs a spoon and either a hard-boiled egg or a plastic Easter egg. The players balance the egg on the spoon while navigating an obstacle course set up in the backyard. Ideas for obstacles include sawhorses to climb under, Easter baskets to weave through and plastic eggs scattered on the ground that the players have to tiptoe around to avoid smashing them.