Employee Appreciation Day Gift Ideas

Employee Appreciation Day Gift Ideas

Employee appreciation Day takes place on the first Friday of March every year, and it’s a great opportunity to show your employees how much you value them. When employees feel appreciated, they perform at their best and are less likely to leave. In fact, organizations that rate their culture of recognition highly are 3 times more likely to see increased employee retention and 2.5 times more likely to see increased employee engagement, among other benefits.

Don’t get us wrong, you can’t buy employee loyalty and expect retention, but you can show appreciation and gratitude. That in itself speaks volumes. Who doesn’t love hearing the words Great Job, Thank You or I appreciate you?


Client & Employee Appreciation Gifts During COVID-19

Client & Employee Appreciation Gifts During COVID-19

Through our extensive research we’ve learned and shared about the importance of corporate/business gifting to build and maintain business relationships and most importantly, lasting impressions. But in the time of the coronavirus pandemic, the role of business gifting has become even more vital as companies adapt to working remotely and creatively tackle the issue of staying connected with employees and clients alike.  The innovative ways companies are using gifts to stay connected is an example of how gifting, a deeply entrenched and deeply human activity, is about the story the giver wants to tell. (more…)

Tips on How to Stay in Touch with Customers Through a Pandemic

Tips on How to Stay in Touch with Customers Through a Pandemic

Businesses around the country are struggling to respond to the effects of COVID-19. Whether your operation has closed or you’re just struggling to stay relevant in the time of social distancing, communicating with customers is key. In all likelihood, you may need to reach out to customers in multiple ways to really get important messages across. The days of going door to door are over for now the time being. And we all know and understand that It’s tough sitting at home day in and day out not being able to reach out.


Ideas for the Best Client Gifts

Ideas for the Best Client Gifts

We’re just weeks…days away from the busiest shopping and gift giving days of the year. Now is a good time to start thinking of what you might give your clients this holiday season.  If you’re not sure what to do and where to look for corporate holiday gifts, here are a few tips to help you get through the holiday maze with not just your reputation but your budget intact. (more…)

Great Ideas for Employee Retention

What if we told you we knew a secret to reducing employee turnover? Yup, you read that right!

A study by CareerBuilder found that 50% of employees would stay if they were tangibly recognized. Another study revealed that 40% of employees who “do not feel meaningfully recognized will not go above their formal responsibilities to get the job done.”

So just how do you show employee (s) appreciation? Here are some suggestions below: (more…)